Thursday, April 2, 2020


In these precarious times when nearly everyone in the country is sheltering in place to protect each other from the virus that has overtaken our country, the authors on Smashwords are responding. We are offering 60% off our titles during the AUTHORS GIVE BACK Sale through the month of April, 2020. 

This means that all of my romance suspense titles in ebook format are only $1.20 on Smashwords.  To kick the book reading off,  the title that launched my career as an author SIN, is absolutely FREE during the entire month of April!

In addition, Whose Knife is it Anway?  the latest titled in the Grandmothers, Incorporated cozy book series that I write with my writing partner, L. Barnett Evans, is on sale as well!  All of the books in this series are cheap this month, so don't miss out on the opportunity to read a good book.

Go to CLICK on one of my titles, and ENJOY!