Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I just received great news this Black History Month!  SINFUL INTENTIONS my second book in the SIN SERIES is officially mine again!  Of course I've known that ever since I wrote it back in 2006.  It seemed that the publisher, whose name I won't dignify on this post, didn't seem to know it.  

It's a long story, but 'll make it short.  SINFUL INTENTIONS was first published in 2006 by a mainstream publisher, and it did so well that a second edition was published in 2009.  I was paid an advance when it was first published and the advance was paid up in 2008.  That means that a percentage of royalty payments should have been paid to me with each sale of the book from 2008  on, since I no longer owed the publisher any monies against the advance.  My royalties were never paid to me by the publisher, although each Income Statement that I received from the publisher stated that I had received royalty payments.  I've been contesting that lie through lawyers, registered letters, emails, you name it, from 2008 to 2017.  I was relentless in letting the publisher know that because the contract had been violated, I was taking my rights to SINFUL INTENTIONS back!  Finally, after my last lambasting letter to the publisher in September 2017, the publisher relented and agreed that the rights to SINFUL INTENTIONS do indeed belong to me!  Hallelujah!

So, it looks like in 2018 not only will SOMEONE LIKE YOU, the second novel in the Stillwaters Series be released, but I'll be releasing the third edition of SINFUL INTENTIONS, in ebook format.  This is the blurb for  SINFUL INENTIONS:

When Rev. NEDRA DAVIS shocked her congregation by engaging in a torrid love affair with sexy bad boy SINCLAIR REASONER, no one would have guessed the outcome.  Four years later and happily married, their world revolves around their passion for each other and their love for their three adopted children.  The sudden appearance of a sinister stranger and a deceptive woman sets into motion a chain of events that threatens the couple's marriage, their family and their lives. 

There will be more to come about SINFUL INTENTIONS and SOMEONE LIKE YOU.  Look for it!