Saturday, March 3, 2018


I'm excited about the 9th Annual Read an Ebook Week Sale!  Starting March 4 - March 10, 2018 four of the books in the SIN romantic suspense book series will be on sale at Smashwords.

Sin, Sweet Sacrifice, Secrets and  Strangers will each be on sale for only $1.50.  Simply go to, and apply the coupon provided at checkout so that you can purchase your favorite titles.  Better yet, read the entire series!  Hurry, because the sale only last a week!  

As stated on the blog last month another book in the Sin Series, an updated version of Sinful Intentions, will be released in the near future. Excerpts from Sinful Intentions and from Someone Like You, my latest book from the Stillwaters series will both be presented here. Look for them!