The authors on continue to respond to the shelter in place directive that citizens are being asked to follow, and we are extending the AUTHORS GIVE BACK sale that started in April. Titles continue to be offered at 60% off through May 31, 2020!
This means that all of my romance suspense titles in ebook format are only $1.20 on Smashwords. The title that launched my career as an author SIN, remains absolutely FREE during the entire month of May!
In addition, through May 2020, the hilarious novel, There's Something Wrong with Miss Zelda, one of the funniest titles in the Grandmothers, Incorporated cozy book series that I write with my writing partner, L. Barnett Evans, is being offered FREE on Smashwords this month! All of the books in this series are also on sale. Don't miss out on this opportunity to read a good book.
Go to CLICK on one of my titles, and ENJOY!