I tried something new on the P.R. front with my latest novel, Someone Like Them. I advertised my book on a platform called Whizzbuzz Books. I heard about it from a fellow writer giving a talk at a seminar. I looked it up, I liked what I saw and purchased an ad. It wasn't expensive, and my book cover and the Amazon link to the book will stay on Whizbuzz for a year. Not a bad deal, particularly since the Someone Like Them cover and the purchase link will be posted on the following Whizzbuzz platforms:
Linked In
and the Whizzbuzz BUZZ page
In addition tweets about Someone Like Them will appear on seven different Twitter accounts, according to Whizbuzz the ad should reach more than 600,000 pairs of eyes. That remains to be seen, but I do know that marketing is everything when you have a product, no matter how good it is, and I think Someone Like Them is good. A couple of reviewers on Amazon agree with me, giving the book five star ratings. I'm glad that they enjoyed the read, and it's my hope that anyone who reads this blog will purchase the book and enjoy it too.