Tuesday, March 29, 2022


In December of 2021 I wrote what I thought might be my last blog.  I was tired of trying to remember each month to go to my blog and try to write something clever or interesting.  Besides that, I was, and I am a very busy writer, and didn't really have time to write the blog.  So, I said the hell with it!  Yet, here I am, three months later, back again.

Will it be monthly?  I don't know.  If I want it to be, because I use this blog to share my thoughts and do a little extra self-promotion.  There's no shame in my game.  As for now, I'm in the process of rebooting one of my earlier books titled Stillwaters.  Originally, it was a romantic suspense novel that concentrated on the relationship between an older woman and younger man.  There was some mystery and intrigue in the book, but because it was published by a mainstream publisher there were rules.  The rules involved the number of love scenes, how much I could delve into the mystery and intrigue elements, and I abided by those rules.

I now own all rights to Stillwaters, and I can do whatever I want with the book. I plan to do exactly that.  In the Stillwaters reboot I'm going to keep most of the dialogue, the mystery and intrigue, and the older woman, younger man elements, but Stillwaters will also examine African American history and its effect on one extraordinary family when it come to the psychology of Black Excellence.  I'm really excited about this!  Below is the Stillwaters cover.  The upside-down roses are symbolic, but I'll tell you more about that in another post.  


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